Friday, October 22, 2010


Update from Doris Peavey, October 22, 2010 -

Many have been calling and asking, so we thought we might let everyone know how things are in Dessalines.
First, we are very sorry because we have not been on lately but will try to do
better. We have had quite a few teams this fall and a lot going on. However, God
has been good. Praise the Lord.
In Dessalines around us, we have not heard of any outbreaks but the hospital is
full with cholera patients and Dr. Jerry, who has only been here a little over
a week, really has his hands full. Last night they lost two. The nurses have
been busy night and day not even having time to eat. They asked Ruben if he would
bring back something for them. We got together and made some Cream of Wheat that
was on hand. The hospital called Ruben and asked if we had anything, we could
help out with in the situation. Left over from the container sent earlier this year, we had hand
sanitizers, rubbing alcohol, along with some depends. (What else could they have used
that was any better for the circumstances?) God always comes through at the
right time.
You might ask what we are doing here at EGO to protect us. All the children were given
a bottle of hand sanitizer to put in their book bags along with some
Yesterday the Holy Spirit reminded us of the big AIDS scare a few years ago when we gathered under the tree and prayed that God would
vaccinate everyone. In living a holy life for Jesus he would take care of us.
That proved to be true.
We sent word to Milo as to what the Lord had placed on our hearts. At the end of
the church service last night, we spoke to them. Our council to them was after
returning home from school, market etc. be sure and wash their hands well with
soap. Reminded them of some years ago what we did and believed that God would do
the same now when this disease was running rampant in our area. Believing God
was calling us to a life of holiness and if we were faithful to Him, He would be
faithful to us, etc. They all came and knelt down at the altar as Milo sang and
Dad anointed them with oil we prayed that God would vaccinate them with the Holy
Spirit against this cholera that was spreading so fast. What an experience we
had with the Lord as we felt waves and waves of the Holy Spirit all over us.
Then went to the baby dorm and laid hands on them. We were so grateful to God
that we had obeyed the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for your prayers.
Don & Doris Peavey

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